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DPM-6B Dew point sampler
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DPM-6B Dew point sampler


     When sampling from a pressurized process unit, a sampler is required, at which time the gas will be pressed into the sampler under the

pressure of the process system

     This DPM-6B dew point sampler can be paired with the Vaisala DM70, and can be paired with the Vaisala DMT-143. The usage method

and principle are basically the same, and it is suitable for customers with this need

    When connecting, follow the instructions below:

    1. Select a quick fit connector or threaded adapter according to the connector on the process unit.
    2. Check whether the pressure setting is correct.
    3. The needle valve of the sampler must be open. First close the needle valve and then rotate it to half open. In addition, you can first open the needle valve a little more to ventilate the components, and then lower the ventilation rate.
    4. Carefully seal the threads on the quick connect fitting or threaded adapter using PTFE thread sealing tape.
    5. Connect a quick connect fitting or threaded adapter to the threads of the sampler. Use a solid wrench to tighten the joint.
    6. Connect the sampler to the connector on the process unit. Joints shall be sealed with PTFE thread sealing tape.
    7. Install a gasket on the thread of the probe nut (supplied with the probe).
    8. Install the probe into the sampler. Turn the probe from the threaded nut and tighten it. Do not tighten the probe from the handle.
    9. When the DPM-6B dew point sampler is installed correctly, there should be no leakage at the joint. This can be checked by temporarily closing the needle valve.

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Degree Of Heat:742℃  Entry Time:2018/7/2 【Print】 【Back

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